Reading-4-Pizza Challenge
Posted September 26, 2023The Belleville Police Department’s Community Relations Unit has partnered up with the Belleville School District and is very excited to introduce you to our first ever READING-4-PIZZA Challenge! Each elementary school in the district will be assigned a month during the school year to participate in this challenge. The challenge is intended for children in grades K through 6 and is designed to reward children for reading at home.
Every time your child reads at home for ten minutes, they will color in one of the police badges on the badge coloring form that will be provided to each student. On the last day of the month, the child will hand in their page(s) to their teachers who will then tally up the colored in police badges and document the total. Each classroom (Grades K-6) will be competing against each other and the classroom with the most colored badges at the end of the month will win a PIZZA PARTY with the Belleville Police Officers!
Your child may read any age or level-appropriate books for this program. We ask that you list the books read on the back of the coloring sheet so that your child can see how much they accomplished. Some suggested reading topics are books celebrating our community helpers, stories that make us laugh, stories that make us hope, and stories that remind us to be kind.
We hope that your child participates in this reading incentive, and we look forward to celebrating with the children! In addition, the overall winning classroom from the district at the endo of the school year will be invited to the Belleville Police Department for a police station tour and will be sworn in as police officers for the day by Chief of Police Mark Minichini.
Please click here for more information and to download additional badge coloring forms.